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Spiritual Life

New Heights Christian Academy is at its core a Christian school. This is a main feature that sets it apart from other public or private local schools. Because it is a Christian school, students are given many opportunities to grow in their spiritual walk and grow in their depth of knowledge of God. As our mission statement declares, we offer a "Christ-centered learning environment that produces servant-leaders with a Biblical worldview.” How is this accomplished?

Bible Lessons

From preschool through the senior year of high school, students have Bible class as a core academic component of their school day. It is not optional, it is foundational. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is taught as the inspired true word of God. 

Weekly Chapel

New Heights provides separate Elementary and Secondary chapels each week for all students and teachers. Students engage in worship, singing and prayer as well as hearing from special guest speakers and our own staff. Chapel offers an environment where students can be challenged spiritually and gain encouragement as each person moves forward on their spiritual journey and relationship with God.


Prayer has not been taken out of New Heights Christian Academy. In fact, most classes will begin with prayer. Believing prayer accomplishes much, it is elevated in its importance in all areas. Seeking God’s blessings and petitioning Him in prayer with thankful hearts is a normal and expected part of student life. 

Missions Week

At New Heights, we strive to instill in our students the importance of a mission mindset by following Jesus' example, who came to this world not to be served, but to serve. To that end, each spring we dedicate an entire week to mission work.

Our high school students travel either internationally, nationally, or locally. Past trips have included Mexico, Trinidad, Florida, Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Missouri. Locally we have served organizations such as Rapha House, Crosslines, Life House, God’s Resort, and Watered Gardens. Students are given the opportunity to go outside their comfort zones and see a larger world than themselves. Middle school students participate in a Missions Day, serving local ministries and organizations in various ways.

Elementary students are partnered with high school groups for the purpose of prayer and encouragement. For many, Missions Week is the highlight of their year. And although we do devote an entire week to missions, it is a mindset that ebbs and flows all year long through numerous other service opportunities. 

Spiritual Life Committee

High school students have the opportunity to participate in the Spiritual Life Committee which meets regularly to plan chapel and other events, such as the annual See You At The Pole and Spiritual Emphasis Week. They meet under the direction of the high school Bible teacher.

Bible Studies

Each year, students take grass-roots leadership in leading Bible studies. Past studies have been initiated by upperclassmen reaching out to underclassmen, for example. Meeting before school, after school, or even in the summer, these are exciting opportunities as students take initiative in encouraging one another in Bible study.

Fall 2025 Enroll